Is Apple taking simplicity too far? They started by making their MacBooks smaller and lighter, and now they’re doing the same with their software.


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So how's my day going? Well not great. It's Chuck the truck is out of action.
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It's not starting and I'm in the middle of forest car park but I'll get it fixed.
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While I was doing this I'm pulling out spark plugs and so on while I was doing
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this it actually got me thinking about simplicity how simplicity can go too far.
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We love our Macs. I'm an Apple guy. I'm the Mac junkie but even I think what
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Apple has done over the past I don't know 10 years, 5 years, has made they've
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made their machines so sleek and so great-looking that they've forgotten the
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use cases for these machines for these Mac books for these well mainly Mac
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books. iMacs also have an issue where you don't have that many ports but the
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ports that you used to have in the old Mac books were proper HDMI ports, proper
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USB ports, proper other ports and what they've done is to for them to enable to
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be able to simplify everything and make them look sleek what they've done is got
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rid of all the ports and simplified it to a degree where you have to have a
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dongle for everything. Now power users who use it who use the Mac book pros
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they probably run like a big kind of Thunderbolt hub where you can connect
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lots of stuff to or they're using little dongles and probably daisy-chaining them
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to actually make them work and the whole but the reason why I came up with this
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is because this is a old this is an old car it's got injectors in it and it has
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a computer and the computer is causing problems with it starting that's what
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I've managed to understand and that got me thinking about the simplicity part
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music on the bike and that got got me thinking about the simplicity part is
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that they've companies make things so complicated in order to simplify and
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that complication causes problems for the end-user and Apple being Apple and
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making wanting to make things sleek they've replaced the ports that everyone
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uses and everyone needs into dongles and it's starting to cause problems now
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recently they put a couple of them back but in essence what I saw in a WWDC
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yesterday day before was that they're simplifying even the UI of their
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operating systems and a lot of people already who are using the beta bear in
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mind it's beta they're starting to notice things that have been taken out
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because of simplicity they want to simplify it but they're having problems
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in using those apps we'll see hopefully it will fix itself but we'll see but
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yeah simplistic I love simplicity but sometimes simplicity can also go too far
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let's see what happens anyway I'm gonna get back to getting going cuz yeah we
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need to go see you in a bit
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