Here's a very short guide for others who want to digital detox. I say DON'T. Just be mindful of the tech you use...

Just watched a video where two Vanlifers went on a 72-hour' digital detox', but things turned bad and annoying when their van broke down.

I get it, they wanted to see how far they got without tech, and I commend them for it. However, if you chose tech for good and not 'evil' (harsh), you'll be fine.

Here's a very short guide for others who want to digital detox. I say DON'T. Just be mindful of the tech you use...

– Delete all social media apps from your phone
– Only have one screen with a minimal amount of apps
– Only have the essential notifications turned on

All this equals a happy and more fulfilling life without the constant 'nag' for people and things diverting you away from what you really want to do...

...and that's to enjoy YOUR life.

Make technology work for you. Don't become a slave to IT.

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