Having an OS for your business is probably one of the first things you should probably think about when you decide on the tech when running a team.


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So I'm about to have a barbecue and I thought I'd get my chair out, sit in front of Chuck
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the truck - I love that name - and talk to you about having an OS for your business.
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Now we all know project management tools - there's Asana, there's ClickUp, there's
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obviously Basecamp, something I deal with, and they're great as a project
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management tool. However, not all of them are great to be able to create an OS for
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your business. Now, what I mean by an OS for your business is having
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everything within one place so there's a single source of truth for
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everything. For instance, documentation, SOPs, any kind of documentation
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that the company needs, that people in the company need, is actually all in one
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place. Now in the past what people used to do is use Google Docs and I don't use
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Google at all apart from YouTube. You would have a Google Doc and then you
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would link it, send it via email, but you don't know where that Doc is
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unless you ask someone for instance. Whereas having an OS for your business,
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having one of these tools, obviously Basecamp, as an OS for your business
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means that you would have a Basecamp. A project in Basecamp is called a Basecamp.
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Having a Basecamp called HQ and everything company-wide communication is
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in there, company-wide SOPs are in the document folder, company-wide message
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board for instance is in there, company-wide everything is in that one
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HQ so people don't have to ask. So when you're onboarding a new
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employee for instance, you would basically say go to the HQ, you would
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point them where it is and they don't have to download anything, they
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don't have to ask for a link for anything, it's all in that one Basecamp
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called HQ within your Basecamp app. Other tools aren't as great, some of them can
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do it and it's possible to get around certain limitations that they give you,
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but with Basecamp they've thoroughly thought out how having an OS for your
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business can be done within that one tool. So your project management is in
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that one tool, your communication is in that one tool, all your SOPs,
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documentation, chat etc everything is in that one tool and keeping it organized. I
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posted a picture with my one, one's called work which is client work, one's
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called business which is everything to do with my business and one's called
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personal if I do bigger projects that are personal and they're the three areas
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that I think they call them stacks, I call them areas in my life and it's
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either work that I'm doing for somebody, it's something to do with my business or
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it's personal, there is literally nothing else. If I'm doing work on Chuck the
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truck and it's a long-term project like I want to rebuild my gearbox it will
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probably be in the personal one. You get the picture so on and so forth. So having
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a OS for your business is ideal for everyone within your team and within
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your company because you're not clambering over where's the link, where's
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this file, where's that, it's all in one place. Hopefully that helps. I'm gonna go
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and get ready for barbecue and my cheesecake, I bought some nice cheesecake.
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I'll see you in the next one. Have a good one. Ciao.
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