There are plenty of companies racing to get their latest software updates out for you to try. However, you need to worry about what your needs are, not theirs.


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So I'm back in Holland. I managed to get the car working and get back to Holland
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and I'm going to the workshop tomorrow to fix a few things as well.
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Now, someone did mention, Frederik, hi, mentioned that I'm always having problems with my car.
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No, not really. It's an old classic car. You have to oil it, you have to look after it, you have to love it.
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You have to pamper it. Old cars are just like that. It's something that I enjoy doing.
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So I'm not constantly having problems with my car. It's just that you have to love it more.
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You have to maintain it more than you do with a newer car.
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And equally, when it was back in the 70s, 80s, those cars you had to look after differently to newer cars.
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It brings me to options. The amount of options you have nowadays is abundant.
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So you can choose whether you want to go one way or another.
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So with cars, I could get an RV, I could get a van, I could get a completely different car.
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I can get a motorbike if I wanted to.
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But I love this car and I always wanted this car and I've managed to get it.
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So I'm going to keep it, but I got to spend more time on it.
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The whole point, again, going back to the options thing, there are different options.
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Just like with software, and I talk about software all the time, there are different options.
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And you can get so lost in the options that you don't quite know which way to go.
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So you have to understand what it is out of that software, out of the car, whatever it is that you're choosing,
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that you want for you to be able to choose that thing.
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Whether it's software, whether it's a boat, whether it's a house location, the size of it, how far it goes.
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The cars for me, the way it makes me feel driving it, I just love it.
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And that's why I chose this particular car, this old classic car.
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And it gets me everywhere.
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So choosing the right tool and not getting lost in the options, because there's so many different options, is an issue.
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At the moment, for instance, Apple are coming out with reminders, their reminders and calendars app,
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being able to talk to each other.
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So you can put reminders in the calendars app, which is actually pretty cool.
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Everyone wanted that before you had to use a third party app.
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But there's that option as well.
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So there's so many options.
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But do you need that particular option for what you're doing?
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Don't know. You've got to choose.
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So figure out what you need, figure out what you like, figure out what you want, need, not want, what you need.
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And go for that, because there are so many options out there that you just don't need every single option.
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Right? Right?
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Anyway, have a good one.
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I see you in the next one.
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That sounds weird. I'll see you tomorrow. Ciao.
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