There are many apps that try to help you be more productive. But I’ve found they often make you busier than you need to be and actually hurt your productivity.


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You know, I've used many different project management apps and operating
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system apps, operating systems for your business.
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There are certain apps that give the illusion of you being productive,
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but all they're doing is keeping you busy within that app.
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So they're not actually making you get your work done.
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They do at the end of the day, they do because you get stuff done.
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But more often than not, they're there to do that job,
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but they're built in such a way to keep you busy rather than actually being
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being able to keep you productive.
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There are two different things.
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Being busy is great.
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I'm busy. I'm always busy.
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That's why this video is late.
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But it doesn't mean I've been busy doing nothing.
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I haven't been caught up in an app causing me problems,
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trying to figure out where should I put this?
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What tag should I use?
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Are there any dependencies?
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Although sometimes those are handy.
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Having a operating system for your business
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should be so second nature to you, the way you work,
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the way you are built effectively, the way your company is built,
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the way your company works, even with other
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consultants or clients, for instance.
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So having an app that keeps you productive rather than keeping you busy
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is something to look out for, because I can name a few like Notion and ClickUp.
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Those apps are great, but they they are made,
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not made to make you do this, but they're made in a way
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they keep you busy in the app rather than making you productive,
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doing your actual work and the thing that you need to do.
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Now, some people need those specific apps.
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I call them more database apps more than anything else in a way.
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But you're better off trying to find a simplified
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operating system for your business, an app
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that can do everything you need it to do
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to make you productive and not to keep you busy.
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That's why I'm late, because I've been busy.
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It's not been causing the problem.
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I've just been busy. That's why it's late.
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Anyway, have a great day.
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Keep it simple. And I'll see you in the next one. Ciao.
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